Basierend auf die neue Anisotropic Synth Engine (ASE) bringt uns Moog, bekannt auch für die Moogerfooger Serie, den ausgewachsenen polyphonic Synthesizer Animoog. Er wurde exklusiv für das iPad entwickelt & bietet komplette MIDI-Unterstützung. Erhältlich ist der Animoog ab heute, den 17. November 2011, zum Einführungspreis von nur 79 Cent im Apple App Store – der Preis soll später bei rund 29 Dollar liegen.
Key Features:
• Anisotropic Synth Engine (ASE) – An exciting new Moog technology that allows the user to move dynamically through an X/Y space of unique timbres to create an expressive and constantly evolving soundscape.
• Timbre page – Assemble unique sounds in the X/Y space from timbres of a wide variety of vintage and modern Moog synthesizers and pedals. Note: this is NOT simple sample playback.
• Polyphonic Modulation – Simply slide your fingers to control multiple modulation parameters in Animoog right from the keys.
• Polyphonic Pitch Shifting – Easily manipulate the exact pitch of each note in a chord by rotating or sliding your fingers.
• Delay Module – A classic analog style ping pong delay.
• Thick Module – From bit crushing to unison voice detuning and drive, this module adds depth, edge and character to Animoog’s already massive sound palette.
• Moog Filter – The classic four-pole Moog ladder filter with High Pass, Low Pass and Band Pass modes.
• Record Module – Record your performance and overdub new layers, or play along live. Transfer recordings between Animoog and any other apps which support AudioCopy/AudioPaste
• Path Module – Direct ASE through Animoog’s X/Y space to create new expressive and shifting sounds that will blow your mind!
• Orbit Module – Control the rate of orbit in the X/Y space around the path you created for subtle to insane voice manipulation.
• Flexible Modulation Matrix – Amp, Filter and Mod Envelopes, LFO with infinitely variable wave shapes and sync, and four super flexible and assignable modulation slots.
• MIDI in/out – Use your Little Phatty or any other MIDI controller to control Animoog.