Mit dem TouchAble erschien vor über einem Jahr ein beeindruckender Software Controller für das Apple iPad und Ableton Live, das App ist voll und ganz auf das iPad ausgerichtet und bietet euch neben einer ansprechenden Optik auch zahlreiche heisse Features. Mit touchAble 1.3 kommt nun ein dickes Update für den Software Controller. Der Entwickler schraubt außerdem schon an einer iPhone Version welche noch dieses Jahr erscheinen könnte…
Features touchAble 1.3
- added Loop menu to clip module. Do loops on the fly – on whole tracks or on already prepared loops. think Traktor looping – Keep loops that you like.
- added keep loop feature which allow you to save the new loop made as new clip.
- Added beatjump / loopjump menu to clip module. Do beatjump / loopjump of a set size in the currently playing clip of a track.
- track header buttons in the clip module now function as ‚jump to active clip‘ buttons. For group-tracks they allow to fold and unfold the tracks.
Completely rebuilt mixer:
- added crossfader to mixer
- added A/B control to mixer
- added support for as many sends as you like + name of the send tracks are now displayed.
- added possibility to show as many faders at once as you like – and you can decide which!.
- added the possibility to control return tracks the same way you can control normal tracks
- added „+“ mode to fullscreen for double length faders for precision tasks
- added snap mode to mixer
- added velocity sensitivity mode to drum pads
- Added Impulse native template
- Added Auto Filter native template
- Added Pingpong Delay native template
- Track Header buttons in the Device Selection View will switch Lives view to the device chain of the respective track.
- snapshots will be saved with saved templates of XY pad now
- after morphing / playing / stopping snapshots the dots will not be affected by gravity till touched
- Added support for 4 iPads
- Added possibility to link several ipads and setting their relative positions.
- touchable will prefer a wired connection if available (MyWi etc)
- design & layout changes throughout the app
- added 16 tracks mode
- triple quick taps on relative faders will: bring the fader to max value if it is done on top of the fader, bring the fader to the exact middle value if you tap around the middle part, and bring the fader to 0 value if you tap on the bottom part.
- Finally touchable will connect via bonjour – tests show that almost no setup is needed to connect
New Settings:
Lock navigation in Clip grid – On / Off:
- If enabled, clips will start immediately after touching – but you won’t be able to scroll in the clip grid
Slide Clips to launch in Nav Lock Mode – On / Off:
- Makes it possible to slide e.g. a row of clips in different tracks to start them
Always Open Device View 8 – On / Off:
- If enabled, devices will always show the FX8 view instead of switching to FX32 for devices with more parameters.
Relative Crossfader – On / Off:
- same as relative faders elsewhere – just for the crossfader
Hide Mutes – On/Off:
- If enabled, mutes are hidden from the view.
Max Shown Controls for 2/4/8/16 tracks mode (0-8, 0 being disabled):
- You can set the maximum amount of controls shown per channel in each of the different sizes. When changing size the mixer will automatically show/hide faders depending on your preference.
Link iPads – On / Off:
- enables or disables automatic following of secondary ipads.
- Mixer showing Send A Faders in black when more than 4 sends were present in the set.
- Fixed overlapping Faders in 4 Track mode when more than 4 sends were present in the set.
- Keys & Pads start at C3/C2 now instead of C-2.
- Numerous small changes & fixes.