Am 01. August 2011 ist es soweit und Serato Scratch Live 2.3 und Serato Itch 2.0 erscheinenab heute befindet sich die beliebte DJ Software in der Public Beta. Neben neuen Features wird wohl auch die Unterstützung für das neue Betriebssystem Mac OS X 10.7 Lion kommen.
Hier die Features der Public Beta:
Itch 2.0
* SP-6 Sample Player
* Brand Spanking New Look and Feel.
* Performance Modes (Library View, Vertical Waveforms and Stack Mode)
* Day & Night Mode
* Album Art Views
* Smart Crates
* File Migration
* Serato Playlists
* New & Improved Serato Smart Sync.
Other Changes / Smaller Features:
* Beatgrid Lock
* View buttons for (Xone:DX, NS6 and Twitch) now cycle through the performance modes.
* 4-deck Instant Doubles.
* Hot Cue Fader Start (When fader start is enabled and a cue point is set or triggered, the temp cue is set to that cue point’s position).
* Slider added for font size.
* Shared Preferences.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed Crossfader Reverse Keyboard shortcut (ctrl-shift-r).
* Changes made to minimize distortion in recordings when playing at loud levels.
* Corrected Continuous Mode behavior so that when you move past the beginning of a song while in this mode, the previous song doesn’t load.
* Fixed Play button to flash at half the speed of the Cue button for all controllers supported with 1.7.
* You can no longer drag a deck onto itself to reload or instant double the song.
* Fixed miscellaneous crashes experienced by some users including when: relocating lost files, loading songs and exiting ITCH.
* Fixed bug where the scroll bar arrows would be slow to react when ITCH is reading large libraries.
* Fixed „[“ and „‚“ keys for looping.
* Fixed Windows crashes on start up when a database/crate contained a file with a file path greater than 259 characters.
* Fix for sleeping, disconnecting controller and then waking up Macbook incorrectly whilst staying in connected mode.
Numark Controller Specific:
* Decreased probability of spontaneous firmware updates with the NS7/V7.
* Fixed shift shortcuts to jump to a specific loop slot.
* Fixed Loop Select shift function to reloop as it did in ITCH version 1.5 and to turn off the shift/delete button.
* Stopped selected track from being added to the Prepare crate when hot-plugging or starting up with the controller connected.
NS6 Specific:
* Fixed bug where switching between Platter modes (Scratch and Jog) while using Skip could give unexpected results.
* New NS6 Firmware Version 1.18 with improved performance
V7 Specific:
* Fixed limiter triggering on the V7 when playing full scale tracks with 0db headroom
Xone:DX Specific:
* Fixed issue where Shift button goes into the wrong state if holding it down while switching layer.
* Beat Grid Enable option is able to be enabled/disabled instead of always being on.
DDJ-S1 Specific:
* Fixed bug where the Vinyl Speed Adjust knob would instantly be applied to braking, but not acceleration.
* Fixed bug where Slip mode would not deactivate when moving to hardware disconnected mode.
* Fixed problem with Slip mode where ghost playhead could sometimes be using the wrong velocity while scratching.
FX Specific:
* Reduced pops created when switching effects and turning them on and off.
Serato Scratch Live 2.3
– Cue Point Labels.
– 64-bit Drivers For Mac.
– Better THRU mode indication for the SL 2, SL 3 and SL 4.
– Core Audio/ASIO drivers for the SL 3 and Sixty-Eight.
– Improved Scratch Live user interface layout for minimum screen resolutions.
Full (detailed) List of Changes
Cue Point Labels
Cue points can now be labelled.
By double clicking the „time-stamp“ of a cue point, an edit box appear allowing you to enter a label for that cue point. Control-clicking the time-stamps/labels will toggle between the two views.
64-bit Drivers for Mac
The Mac installer now includes a 64-bit compatible driver, so that all Scratch Live hardware is now supported on 64-bit Mac OSX 10.6 and lower.
Please note: if you have a new Mac Book Pro running a 10.7 kernel, you must update to OSX 10.6.8 for a fix to hardware related crashes.
Better THRU mode indication for the SL2, SL 3 and SL 4
We have re-worked the way we display decks in THRU mode to make it much clearer if a deck is in THRU mode:
– Waveforms are grayed out
– Virtual decks are changed to black/white colors and have „Thru“ written on them.
– On-screen THRU buttons now flash.
Core Audio/ASIO drivers
– New drivers for the SL 3 and Sixty-Eight.
SL2 ASIO Version 1.0.1f4 (from 1.0.0a6)
– Fixed sleep/wake issues.
– Fixed „Sound Forge ASIO buffers keep playing after Stop“ bug.
– Improved „thru“ button responsiveness.
SL2 Core Audio Version 1.0.1f3 (from 1.0.0f2)
– Driver supports 64-bit kernel.
– Fixed bug where the Control Panel was not available after a System Preferences ’show all‘.
SL4 ASIO Version 1.0.1f4 (from 1.0.0f5)
– Fixed sleep/wake issues.
– Fixed „Sound Forge ASIO buffers keep playing after Stop“ bug.
– Improved „thru“ button responsiveness.
– Fixed bug where the latency was incorrect for buffer sizes 45-50 ms at 96kHz.
SL4 Core Audio Version 1.0.1f2 (from 1.0.0f4)
– Driver supports 64-bit kernel.
Minimum screen resolution
With ever increasing user interface complexity and number of decks, we’ve worked to fit things sensibly on minimum resolution screens.
This version of Scratch Live will dynamically change the user interface layout if your screen resolution is too small to fit all Scratch Live UI features/panels:
– If a deck view is chosen so that the currently open panels (e.g. Files, Browse, SP-6, Video…etc) won’t fit, the panels will be closed.
– If a tabbed panel is opened but can’t fit on screen, Scratch Live goes into „Library Mode“ (where the decks are minimal in detail). To quickly navigate back to the old deck view you have several options:
* Press space – this action will close the new panel automatically.
* Select the desired view in the top left corner. As above, this will close the panel.
* Close the panel and it will go back to the old layout.
– Any forced action taken by Scratch Live will notify the user via the status bar and/or flashing the library mode buttons.
– Minimum library size has been reviewed, and some bugs fixed around sharing space with Browse/Files.
On-demand driver installer for Windows
This version of Scratch Live introduces on-demand installation of Rane hardware drivers. If you plug in a new piece of Rane hardware while running Scratch Live, you will be led through a process to install the drivers automatically.
Minor Changes:
– Changed the names of the record drop down items for the Sixty-Eight, from PGMx to Inputx.
– Fixed cue point and loop LEDs flickering on the Sixty-Eight when pressed rapidly.
– Fixed the Sixty-Eight defaulting to assigning the free channels to the first two decks instead of the primary decks.
– Fixed potential hang caused by loading a track with an associated video.
– Fixed a crash on start up when an iTunes track has an associated video and the the Scratch Live preferences have just been deleted.
– Fixed an issue with video associated tracks always getting their tags written after ejecting the track.
The Bridge
– Fixed the number of bridge sync buttons showing up for the SL 3.
– Fixed issue with the Bridge GUI getting out of sync after a hotplug.
– Fixed bug where the Ableton pitch and output controls could be used when they have no effect.
– Improved stability of QuickTime audio file playback.
– Fixed the overview not redrawing properly when primary decks are set to ‚2+3′ and a 4 deck controller is hotplugged.
– Fixed bug where option+clicking the gain knob would reset gain values even if the auto gain is turned off.
– Fixed bug where auto-loop buttons would light up when setting a manual loop.
– Fixed bug where the recording level meter was not showing correct values and therefore did not properly indicate if the recording was clipping.
– Set the default recording depth to be 16-bit for the SL 3 and Sixty-Eight.
– Fixed bug where it was possible to have two effects units affecting deck. This resulted in incorrect button states, and prevented the user from turning off one of the effect units.
– Fixed Scratch Live crashing when The Bridge is enabled and Ableton Live has Sync enabled in the MIDI/Sync preferences for any MIDI device.
– Fixed bug where using Hot Cues on controllers such as Novation Dicer and Sixty-Eight did not light up the physical cue point button when triggered from the GUI.
– Added a MIDI panel for SL 4.
– Fixed bug where the MIDI assign panel for the SL 3 Aux deck was not displaying correctly.
Offline Player
– Fixed Offline Player not working correctly on Mac when the default sound card is set to work at 88.2 or 96 kHz sampling rates.
– Fixed a case of Scratch Live writing WAV files with the wrong alignment, disregarding the wav format specifications.
– Added the ability to double-click inside an open edit box to select an entire word.
– Fixed a bug where leaving an empty text field in the song entry was causing the status bar to say that Scratch Live is writing tags.
– Fixed Scratch Live status bar saying that it’s writing to the file whenever a state of the file changed, even though the track was actually written to after ejected from the deck.
– Fixed ’sorting songs by color‘ not matching the order in the color picker.
– Fixed a crash when loading a track without a color to a deck.
– Fixed a bug where editing a track from a search result and pressing ctrl-up/down or enter would save the previous change to the wrong song.
– Fixed bug where iTunes tracks might show in the library despite ‚Read iTunes Library‘ being disabled.
– Fixed a bug where tracks could not auto re-sort by color if one track color was changed.
– Changed browse panel filtering behavior so that is filters only when crates are opened or the browse panel is opened.
– Improved Scratch Live start up speed with the browse panel open.
– Fixed a graphical glitch where the ‚Gated Live Feed‘ drop down text was showing up twice with a large font size.
– Reverted a chang introduced in Scratch Live 2.2 where the library would auto sort after a tag edit.
– Fixed a crash on 64-bit Windows when loading a track with creation dates older than 1970.
– Fixed potential crashes when loading a song via drag-n-drop.
– Fixed „Files“ button turning off when dragging and dropping a file/folder out of it, despite the panel remaining open.
– Fixed bug where new columns that were added to the history panel did not show up straight away if the horizontal scroll bar was activated.
– Can now search some international characters.
– Fixed a bug where empty fields in the Smart Crate rules were causing mismatches.
– Fixed a bug where Smart Crates with ‚is not‘ rule were not updating correctly when tracks were changed.
– Fixed a bug where Subcrate songs that were also contained in the parent crates were being deleted from the parent on start up.
– Changed the history „deck“ column to display only numbers 1,2,3,4 not ‚left’/’right‘ as this was not compatible with 4 deck controllers.
– Fixed the Novation Dicer buttons not lighting up for deck 1 when primary decks are set to ‚1+4‘.
CDJ Support
– Added support for the Pioneer CDJ-350.
– Made Scratch Live update the on-screen pitch range when pressing the ‚TEMPO‘ button on a CDJ controller in HID mode.
– Fixed an issue when touching a platter not in VINYL mode would cause the sound to skip.
– Fixed Pioneer CDJ-900 connection issues after hot-plugging on a Windows machine.
– Fixed playback being paused when the platter was pressed and Cue button used.
– Fixed loop doubling not working on a CDJ-2000 (by pressing OUT & Loop Cutter).
GUI Changes
– Fixed some minor GUI misalignment issues where the border around the waveform in 2-deck stack-mode was too thick.
– Fixed the variation in line spacing between the DJ-FX and Playlists plug-ins screen.
– Fixed alignment issues with the waveform borders.
– When opening a widget (i.e. an SP6), the widget buttons now don’t move up.
– Fixed some GUI issues in the TTM 57SL Hardware setup screen; fixes the bugs for saving effects and phono sensitivity to the mixer.
– Fixed GUI artifacts showing up in the Ableton panel when the screen is resized.
– Fixed bug where the edit box on the MIDI preset screen may not get focus when attempting to save a new preset.
– Fixed MIDI panel not switching to library mode when it doesn’t fit on screen.
– Fixed bug where the assign drop box would show up in the TTM 57SL hardware panel if the device was in group select mode.
File formats
– Fixed not being able to delete loops in QuickTime files.
– Fixed not being able to delete loops in Ogg files.
– Fixed bug where non mpeg4 files that were playable by QT were being marked as corrupt and no xml meta data was being created. (includes. .flv and some .avi files).
– Fixed ’nonsense‘ characters being written to the message box during an mpeg4 file write.
Misc. Hardware
– Fixed bug where autoloop buttons were missing when a Rane MP 4 is plugged into Scratch Live.
– Removed channel reversing with Rane MP 4 devices.
– Fixed function keys on Denon DN-HC4500 not lighting up in memo (hot queue) mode.
– Fixed bug where phono sensitivity boxes for the SL 3 were showing up when the SL 3 was in line mode.
– Fixed SL 4 bug where only deck 1 and 2 would affect the Video-SL decks. Now it uses the same behavior as the Sixty-Eight, which means the primary decks will affect the Video-SL decks.
– Fixed channel selection bug where channels could be stolen from another computer while audio was playing (SL 4 and Sixty-Eight).
– Fixed function key presses on some Windows laptops causing pitch slider movements.
– Fixed album art related crashes experienced in Scratch Live 2.2.0.
– Fixed SP6 mode buttons not updating.
– Changed the A-slot (autoloop) functionality to match the description in the manual.
– Fixed focus issues with the ‚tap temp control‘.
– Fixed edit box max character limitation.
– Fixed bug where loading a track with a deleted beatgrid wouldn’t auto create a new beatgrid. Note that this will only work when autofill overviews is on.
– If doing a relocate lost files moves .xml and .ovb so that a directory is made empty, that directory is now deleted.
– Fixed bug where if you changed the size of the autoloop currently running, the start of the loop would be changed to the current playhead position.
– Added zero check for sample rate in CreateRow in CSongOverview.
– Fixed bug where autoloop would not disengage.
– Fixed waveform not showing up when in Loop edit mode in the A slot.
– Fixed some debugging code that was making the 57’s firmware button always visible.
– Fixed library losing focus when the scroll bar was clicked.
– Fixed auto gain knob behavior.
– Fixed the nonsense characters being written to the message box during an mpeg4 file write.
– Fixed MIDI assign panel for the Aux deck not displaying correctly.