Das lange warten hat für viele endlich ein Ende und Bitwig Studio erscheint am 26. März 2014 für Windows, Mac OS X sowie Linux. Hinter der mit Spannung erwarteten DAW steckt unter anderem ein Team aus ehemaligen Ableton-Entwicklern un soll euch 299 Euro in der Download Version kosten, oder 329 Euro in der Boxed Version. Das Programm ermöglicht euch Mehrspuraufnahmen sowie Arranger- & Mixerbasiertes Starten von Clips und im Gegensatz zu anderen DAW’s (DigitalAudioWorkstation) gibt es keine Trennung von Audio- und MIDI-Spuren, ihr könnt einfach beide einfach in einer Spur hinzufügen und bearbeiten.
Auf Automation wird ebenfalls großen Wert gelegt und so ermöglichen euch Clip und Per-note Automation komplexe Automatisierungen wie z.B. abgefahrene Pitch & Panning Variationen. Die Benutzeroberfläche wirkt übersichtlich, ermöglicht das öffnen von mehreren Projekten mit Copy&Paste und Drag&Dop zwischen den Dokumenten . Da hierfür schon mal mehr Platz am Monitor benötigt wird unterstützt Bitwig Studio das arbeiten an drei Bildschirmen. An Soundtüftler wird ebenfalls gedacht und dank nativem Modularsystem können so eigenen Instrumente und Effekte erstellt werden.
Multitrack recordingRecord and produce your music in a super-fast, intuitive workflow.
Bitwig Studio’s arranger is a perfect mix of editing power, ease of use and flexibility. -
Arranger clip launcherA non-linear environment that lets you trigger clips in real-time. Perfect for sketching your songs more spontaneously.
Mixer clip launcherAn alternative view of the clip launcher aligned with the mixer, optimized for live performance and DJing.
Generic tracksTracks accept any kind of material. Audio and notes can live on the same track. You can bounce note clips to audio in place.
Clip automationIn addition to traditional track automation, automation can also be recorded and packaged inside clips, both on the clip launcher and the arranger.
Per-note automationPitch variations can be applied to individual notes directly in the piano roll. You can also edit a note’s panning, timbre and volume curves.
Simultaneous multitrack editingEdit contents of multiple tracks together. You can see them all juxtaposed and isolate only the ones you want to edit.
Multiple audio events per clipAn audio clip can contain multiple audio events. You can chop and edit audio files inside a clip non-destructively and loop it all as a package.
Real-time time stretchingBitwig Studio’s proprietary technology lets you match any audio material to the document tempo and get everything in sync.
World-class sound devicesLet’s put it this way: You’re gonna love these instruments and effects. Get great sounds in a matter of seconds.
Device nestingDevices can contain other devices, and the whole package can be saved as a preset. Many of our instruments and effects use nesting in new and powerful ways.
32/64 bit VST supportUse your beloved VST plug-ins. In case of a plug-in crash, a protective mechanism prevents the application from crashing and you from losing your work.
Metadata-based browser
Find your musical material quickly. Add tags and search by content type
Open multiple documentsExchange musical material between documents. Drag and drop, copy and paste back and forth.
Multi-monitor supportBitwig Studio offers flexible screensets to take full advantage of your monitor configuration.
Slick user interfaceBitwig Studio’s user interface has been meticulously crafted to make your music creation experience fun and intuitive.
Features coming after the 1.0 release
LAN multi-user jammingMultiple users can jam on the same document, and everything can be captured in the document’s arrangement.
Multi-user music production over the internetMultiple users can compose music on the same document from different locations. Bitwig Studio keeps everything in sync.
Native modular systemCreate your own instruments and effects or modify existing ones. Design their appearance and share them with the world.
Quelle: Bitwig Studio