Seit 1997 touren Stefan Bossems und Claus Terhoeven als deutsches DJ-Projekt Cosmic Gate durch alle Herren Länder, jetzt hatten Sie die Ehre den Titelsong des Blockbusters Avatar zu remixen. Das Original von „I See You“ stammt aus der Feder von James Horner, der berühmte Filmmusikkomponist hat schon Soundtracks zu Braveheart, Troja und Titanic komponiert. In den USA ist der Song bereits erschienen, in Deutschland, Österreich und in der Schweiz ist er ab 19. März erhältlich.
„The week after we’d seen Avatar in the cinema we were both still dumbstruck by the groundbreaking 3D animation and the story of the movie itself. At the same time the press also announced that Avatar became highest-grossing film of all time. Then we received the request to remix „I See You“ by James Horner. It took us a second to say yes.
We feel very honoured to get the opportunity to remix a song from James Horner. We were extremely motivated to do our best in the studio, with maximum respect to the original, but also with all the musical freedom we have received from Atlantic Records to deliver a remix in true „Cosmic Gate“ style“